About RAIL

Who are we?

RAIL (Rail Advocates In Lambton) is a dedicated group of citizens & community leaders affected by the continuing loss of passenger rail service, primarily between Sarnia and London, Ontario. RAIL was established in June 2013 to advocate for better VIA Passenger Rail Service in Sarnia-Lambton and Southwestern Ontario. The concept of a National Rail Policy is, in their view, a necessary step in supporting a sustainable passenger rail system for all Canadians.

Contact any of the executive team here.


Click to view our 2018-2020 RAIL Membership

RAIL’s Mission

RAIL is the driving force in the rebuilding of a passenger rail network in Sarnia-Lambton and Southwestern Ontario. Advocacy is directed towards providing all citizens with better service delivery. RAIL works in partnership with transportation providers, municipalities, senior levels of federal and provincial governments, as well as other rail advocacy groups. Railway and alternative service partners, are monitored relative to the ever-changing activities in the rail transportation industry.

What people are saying about RAIL

  • Lambton County Warden Todd Case said during his award presentation:

“You couldn’t find a more well deserving group – from an economic development standpoint [alone] it’s important for us to have more than just one train a day”.

  • A local pastor comes forward in support of RAIL in his church bulletin:

“If you are a person like myself who doesn’t enjoy the drive to Toronto or even London on a winter`s day please come out to the showing of the film [DE-RAILED: The National Dream] which will be shown at the Sarnia Public Library on Saturday, October 26, from 2 to 4 pm. I want access to train service to Toronto resumed for us and this is one way to show our support of a reinstatement of a train schedule that is friendly to travelers.”

  • MP, Pat Davidson agrees that reductions in passenger service have imposed severe hardship and states:

“I think that they [RAIL] are certainly doing what they can to try to make things better for people, so I’ll assist in any way I can.”

  • Recently Appointed Ontario Minister of the Environment, Glen Murray supports the work of advocacy groups looking for solutions to their reduced rail service…today he said

“I took VIA Rail back from the climate meetings. What a great way to fight climate change. Thanks VIA Rail.”