Rail in the News
Post on by GregClick to see the latest article on the Sarnia Journal on recent RAIL developments.
VIA Rail Changes
Post on by GregNational Railway Day in Canada
Post on by GregNovember 7th
National Railway Day in Canada
This day recognizes the 1885 completion of Canada’s then railway system – the driving of the last spike in the Canadian Pacific Railway and the completion of the transcontinental railway uniting Canada. As we celebrate this day & work to regain the vision of that purpose . .
It is fitting that R.A.I.L.invites you to join in the conversation. Learn about the issues affecting passenger rail service in our community and throughout Southwestern Ontario. Citizens everywhere are speaking about their concerns with VIA Rail’s current service. Share articles. E-mail us with your passenger rail needs, stories and concerns and join our Facebook page (linked to this website). Help us to find a solution…
Passenger Transportation Summit
Post on by GregIn response to the rapid loss of inter-city transportation options, SWEA is hosting a summit aimed at bringing together representatives from all levels of government, transportation companies and community based transportation advocacy groups. Delegates from RAIL plan to attend and look forward to seeing you there.
Register for the upcoming
Passenger Transportation Summit
Thursday, Nov. 14 at 12 noon – 4:30 in London, Ontario
Check the website for details http://swea.ca/
SWEA Invites you to add your voice to their online petition – go to this link and read what ordinary citizens are saying about their passenger rail service: